About Leonore Iserson Klee
Lee earned her M.S. in Library Science in the 1960s and became a dedicated children's librarian. Throughout her time in Buffalo, she gave many talks on the Santo Tomas experience. She and her husband Dick moved to South Bend, Indiana in 1986 (to be closer to grandchildren), and Lee returned to St. Mary's, the college she loved, now as a college librarian. She was an enthusiastic participant in the 1995 Santo Tomas reunion in Las Vegas. She was newly retired from her St. Mary's College position, when she fell ill with pancreatitis. In an unexpected and heartbreaking turn of events, Lee died on September 14, 1996 at age 68. We hope that her spirit and story live on in Leonore's Suite.
About the author: Mary Beth Klee
Leonore's Suite, published seventy-five years after the liberation of Santo Tomas and twenty-four years after Lee's death, is a labor of love and the fruit of a decade of research. Lee wanted to cast the Santo Tomas story as a novel for teens and about the teen experience. She was raised in humbler times, though, and would never have written a novel about herself. Mary Beth explains: "I liked Mom's story and chose to run with it. This is historical fiction inspired, but not constrained, by true events." The novel is accompanied by extensive Chapter Notes, explaining what is true, how we know it, and what is fiction in the text.
About the Book Designer: Eileen Klee Sweeney
Eileen is also the daughter of Lee Iserson Klee and grew up listening to her stories. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts at St. Mary’s College, and has worked as a photographer and graphic designer. When she is not traveling with her sister, she is Art Director for the Core Virtues Foundation. According to her sister, she specializes in making everything beautiful. |