Lee's Photos: 1938 -1946
In the novel, Lee recalls many aspects of her pre-war life. The 1930s were golden years for the Iserson family, living in a villa in San Francisco del Monte, with a large pool and yard. Harold managed Iserson Embroideries, and the family was living the good life. By 1940, the family circumstances were much reduced, as explained in the book, but there was still enough money for summer vacations in Baguio. Here are some shots from the photo album Grandma Naylor rescued for them. In Lee's adult handwriting we see "Mommy and Daddy" (she called her mother "Mommy" through college!) Lee did not know Mary Louella Cleland (Lulu) pre-war, but Lulu has contributed some photos of herself when she was the same age as Lee.
Friends Reunited - 1950-1951
In the epilogue, Lee writes Lulu about her desire to take a trip out west to visit her after they both finish college (Lulu, UCLA and Lee, St. Mary's College). That road trip happened in 1950. By then Lulu, Ellen, Bill, and Paul were all in California. Curtis Brooks was on the east coast, but also made a trip out west to visit. Much influenced by Father Sheridan and the religious she had known in the Philippines, Betty had entered the convent: the Maryknoll sisters in Tarrytown, New York. She later served as a missionary not in the Philippines, but in Chile.